Some Areas of Learning...

Learning Through Art/Creativity

It can be difficult to understand how the mass of lines and colours a child creates is part of the learning processes. When children choose and gather paper, scissors, and crayons, they learn decision-making skills such as how to implement their ideas and how to follow through on a task. When children create with paint, they learn to mix colours and use their own ideas while exploring and discovering consequences.

Block Centre

When children place one block on top of another, they learn basic science concepts such as balance, size, and weight relations. When children make a barn for play animals, they learn to use their imagination and gain self-confidence to try their own ideas. Even clean up time promotes learning. Important beginning math skills are learned as blocks are sorted and classified.


Dramatic Play Area

Social, emotional, physical, cognitive and language Development is major in this play area! 
  • Caring
  • Nurturing
  • Cooperation
  • Role Playing
  • Problem Solving
  • Developing fine motor skills
  • Children act out real life situations
  • Developing language skill

Circle Time

When children listen and talk about a story, they learn to love books, remember a sequence and recognize that there is a beginning, middle, and end to books and stories. When children sing as a group they learn how to participate with others, to hear and repeat rhythms, and extend their memory. 



To many adults, math is a difficult subject. However, if from an early age children have positive hands-on experiences, they learn math concepts in a non-threatening way and take what they learn from one concept and apply it to the next. When the children are investigating sea shells with magnifying glasses, they begin to recognize similarities and differences of objects. When children sort bear counters of different shapes and sizes they learn to classify.



In order for children to understand their world, they must have opportunities to explore and question, then actively construct their own knowledge. When children pour water into containers they learn to estimate quantity. When children investigate smelling jars, they learn to use their sense of smell in new ways.


Language and Literacy

Children’s ability to read and write emerges in a natural ways as long as they are exposed to a supportive literate environment: one that is rich in print, stories, and song; which, we support here at preschool. We create an environment that is rich in puzzles, magnetic letters, flannel boards, stories, which exposes children to the world of letters, words, sounds, symbols and meaning. Language is also heavily supported in all areas of the classroom. 

Music and Movement

Music influences child development and provides an avenue for creative expression. It is a medium for self-expression, emotional development, creativity, social experience, and physical and perceptual development.